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Fall 2024

  • Clyde Raible officially joined the lab as a graduate student, welcome!

  • Travel Awards: Saba Shahid received a research travel award from the graduate school to present at a national conference! 

  • Saba Shahid officially joined the lab as a graduate student, Welcome!

  • Saba Shahid defended her Master's Thesis Titled "Assessing the Independent Role of Moral Foundations in Attitudes Toward Various Justifications for Abortion", Congrats!

  • Clyde Raible and Saba Shahid both won the $500 Proposal Project grant from the Graduate School, Good job!

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi presented at her Internship at the National Science Foundation, good work!

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi competed in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition at The University of Southern Mississippi.

Spring 2024

  • Graduation! Senior graduate student, Dr. Kaitlyn Boykin graduated with her PhD. Second year graduate students, August Namuth and Olajuwan Olgabegi, also graduated with their Masters!

  • Awards: Kaitlyn Boykin received the Outstanding Researcher Award and August Namuth received the Outstanding Masters Student award.

  • Undergraduate student Ais'jah Hicks won the Outstanding Senior Award! 

  • Olajuwan Olgabegreceived a Summer Scholar Internship from the National Science Foundation, Congratulations! She also received a Psi Chi Travel grant to attend the SEPA Conference in Orlando!

  • Ais'jah Hicks was also awarded the Eagle SPUR Research Grant to fund her research project!

  • August Namuth was awarded the APPE Conference Graduate Student Scholarship to attend the APPE Conference in Cincinnati!

  • August Namuth also received the Graduate Student Spotlight for March!

  • Kaitlyn Boykin was inducted into the Graduate Student Hall of Fame, Congrats!

  • Clyde Raible was accepted into the lab as a graduate student, welcome!

  • Zach Bucker was voted as a finalist for Student Organization Outstanding President of the Year, Congrats!

  • Zach Bucker was re-elected as the President of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi was selected as the Fundraising Chair of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • August Namuth was selected as the Vice President of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi successfully defended her Master's Thesis titled "The Impact of Target Sex Typicality on Participant’s Willingness to Engage in Prosocial Behavior", Congrats!

  • August Namuth successfully defended his Master's Thesis titled "Effects of Identity and Competency-Rejection and Acceptance on Online versus Face to Face Reaffiliation Preferences In Adults", Congrats!

  • Zach Bucker successfully proposed his Dissertation, Congrats!

  • Publication: Sacco, D., Namuth, A., Macchione., A, Brown, M., (2024) Differences in Support for Retractions Based on Information Hazards Among Undergraduates and Federally Funded Scientists. Journal of Academic Ethics, 1-16.

  • Kaitlyn Boykins successfully defended her Dissertation, Congrats Dr. Boykin!

  • August Namuth presented his project "Should Behavioral Misconduct be Used as a Basis for Scientific Retractions?" at the APPE Conference in Cincinnati!

  • Olajuwan Olgabegi presented her project "Language Framing Influences Prosocial Behavior Intentions" at SEPA!

  • Zach Bucker presented his project "Ambiguous Red Flags? Don't Say I Didn't Warn You" at NEEPS in Niagra Falls.

  • August Namuth and Olajuwan Olgabegi presented their projects at the USM Graduate Symposium.

  • Zach Buckner and August Namuth served as Moderators for the USM Undergraduate Symposium.

  • Publication: Buckner, Z., Namuth, A., Brown, M., Sacco, D., (2024) The signaling function of vaccine status and masking in evaluations of online dating profiles. Experimental Psychology Society, 1-12. 

  • Publication: Namuth, A., Bruton., S, Wright, L., Sacco, D., (2024) Behavioral Misconduct as a Basis for 
    Scientific Retraction
    . Journal of Academic Ethics, 1-12.

Fall 2023

  • August Namuth and Olajuwan Olgabegi were awarded the Project Proposal Grant ($500).

  • All members of the lab received funding ($500) from the department to use to travel to their conferences in the Spring! Congrats!

  • Publication: Namuth, A., Brown, M., Macchione, A., Sacco, D., (2023). Assessing the Online Scientific Community's Support for Various Reasons for Article Retraction: A Preliminary Survey. Ethics in Progress, 14(2), 50-67. 

  • August Namuth and Olajuwan Olgabegi both competed at the 3 Minute Thesis Competition at the University of Southern Mississippi!

  • Megan Goulette and Kami Kirkendall both joined the lab as undergraduate RA's!

Spring 2023

  • Graduation! Senior graduate students, Drs. Alicia Macchione and Kelsey Drea graduated with their PhDs. Second year graduate student, Zach Buckner, also graduated with his Masters!

  • Awards:  Graduate students Kaitlyn Boykin and August Namuth received 3rd and 1st year Outstanding Graduate Student awards, respectively. Additionally, undergraduate student Ais'jah won the Outstanding Research Award! 

  • Publication: Brown, M., Sacco, D. F., Buckner, Z. (2023) Cheesy Does It? Comparing Women’s Preferences for Men’s Use of Successful and Unsuccessful Humor Displays. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

  • Zach Bucker was selected as the President of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2023-2024 school year.

  • August Namuth was selected as the Professional Development Chair of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2023-2024 school year.

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi was selected as the Masters Student Representative of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2023-2024 school year.

  • Kaitlyn Boykin was selected as the Vice President of the Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Government for the 2023-2024 school year.

  • Zach Buckner successfully defended his master’s Thesis project titled “The Implications of Sexual Assault Awareness on Sexual Overperception Bias

  • Alicia Macchione successfully defended her Dissertation Project titled “Comparing the Efficacy of Two Inclusivity Interventions on Willingness to Invest in Female- Versus Male-led STEM and Non-STEM Companies

  • Kelsey Drea successfully defended her Dissertation project.

  • August Namuth successfully proposed his master's Thesis project titled "Effects of Identity and Competency Rejection on Online versus Face to Face Reaffiliation Preferences In Young Adults".

  • Kaitlyn Boykins successfully proposed her Dissertation project.

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi successfully proposed her master's Thesis project titled "Sex Typicality as a Predictor for Prosocial Behavior".

  • Zach Buckner accepted an external graduate assistantship as an Esports Researcher with the Esports program at USM.

  • August Namuth accepted an external graduate assistantship as a Graduate Assistant with the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) at USM.

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi accepted an external graduate assistantship as a Graduate Researcher with the Division of Student Affairs at USM.

  • August Namuth presented his project, "Individual Differences in Support of Retractions to Prevent Potential Information Hazards" at the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference.

  • Zack Bucker presented his project, "Mask wearing perceptions on Tinder profiles" at the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference.

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi presented her project, "The relationship between status motives and social activism" at the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference.

Fall 2022

  • Zach Buckner was awarded the Project Proposal Grant ($500).

  • Publication: Macchione, A. L., Sacco, D. F, Brown, M., & Keefer, L. A. (in press). Company and perceiver characteristics influencing willingness to invest in female- versus male-led start-up companies in STEM and non-STEM fields. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

  • Travel Awards: Alicia Macchione and Olajuwon Olgabegi both received research travel awards to present at a national conference. Congrats!

Spring 2022

  • Publication: Brown, M., D.F., Sacco, Drea, K. (2022). Ecologically contingent preferences for formidable coalitional allies as a function of conservative ideologies. Personality and Individual Differences.

  • Publication: Macchione, A. L., & Sacco, D. F. (in press). The effect of workplace gender composition on investment interest in hypothetical companies. Psychological Reports.

  • Zach Buckner successfully proposed his master’s Thesis project titled “The Implications of Sexual Assault Awareness on Sexual Overperception Bias”     

  • Kaitlyn Boykin presented her project at the 2022 Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA)  regional conference in Hilton Head, SC

  • Alicia Macchione successfully proposed her Dissertation Project titled “Comparing the Efficacy of Two Inclusivity Interventions on Willingness to Invest in Female- Versus Male-led STEM and Non-STEM Companies

  • Kelsey Drea successfully proposed her Dissertation project

  • Zach Buckner presented his project titled “Over perception of Sexual Interest in Text Message Conversations” at the 2022 Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society (NEEPS) in Pittsburg, PA

  • Kelsey Drea accepted a position as a Graduate Researcher with the Division of Student Affairs at the USM.

  • Alicia Macchione received the Teaching Assistant of the Year award ($1,000). 

  • Olajuwon Olgabegi & August Namuth were accepted in the ESPL as Graduate Students! Welcome!

  • Kaitlyn Boykin was selected as the Professional Development Chair in the Brain and Behavior Psychology Student Government.

  • Publication: Brown, M., Sacco, D., Barbaro, N., & Drea, K. (2022). Contextual factors that heighten interest in coalitional alliances with men possessing formidable facial structures. Evolution and Human Behavior.

  • Kelsey Drea was selected as the President in the Brain and Behavior Psychology Student Government.

  • Zach Buckner was selected as the Social Chair in the Brain and Behavior Psychology Student Government.

  • Alicia Macchione presented her project, "Citation ethics: An exploratory study of norms and behaviors" at the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) conference in Cincinnati, OH.

  • Alicia Macchione presented her project, "The effect of CEO religion on investment interest in hypothetical companies" at the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference in Hilton Head Island, SC.


Fall 2021:

  • Megan Walters and Sarah Richert were awarded the Eagle SPUR award ($1000) for their project titled “The Impact of Snapchat Filters on Perceptions of Short and Long-term Mating Interest

  • Kelsey Drea and Alicia Macchione competed in the 3-minute Thesis competition at the University of Southern Mississippi

  • Publication: Drea, K., Brown, M., & Sacco, D. F. (2021). Functional Perceptions of Relational Success and Infidelity Concerns for Violators of Gendered Naming Conventions in Marriage. Journal of Personal Relationships.

  • Publication: Boykin, K., Brown, M., Macchione, A. L., Drea, K., & Sacco, D. F. (2021). Noncompliance with Masking as a Coalitional Signal to US Conservatives in a Pandemic. Evolutionary Psychological Science.

  • Publication: Sacco, D. F., Brown, M., Macchione, A. L., & Young, S. G. (2021). No evidence for social surrogacy in fostering intentions to follow social distancing guidelines. Social Psychology.

Spring 2021

  • Kaitlyn Boykin successfully defended her thesis & graduated with her master’s degree.

  • Publication: Brown, M., Sacco, D. F., Drea, K. (2021). Socially dominant women strategically build coalitions of strong men to acquire resources in resource-rich ecologies. Personality and Individual Differences.

  • Publication: Drea, K., Brown, M., Sacco, D. F. (2021). Functional Altruism Among Agreeable and Narcissistic Donors: Evidence from Crowdsourced Fundraisers. Psychological Topics.

  • Invited Book Chapter: Sacco, D. F., Brown, M., Boykin, K., Drea, K., Macchione, A. L., & Medlin, M. M. (2021). Female mate preferences. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexuality. Cambridge University Press.

  • Invited Book Chapter: Brown, M., Boykin, K., Drea, K., Macchione, A. L., Medlin, M. M., & Sacco, D. F. (2021) Male sexual signaling. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexuality. Cambridge University Press.

  • Zach Buckner was accepted into the ESPL as a Graduate Student! Welcome Zach!

  • Kaitlyn Boykin was selected as the master’s Student Representative in the Brain and Behavior Psychology Student Government.

  • Kelsey Drea was selected as the Vice President for the Brain and Behavior Psychology Student Government.

  • Alicia Macchione accepted a position as a Graduate Assistant in the Office of Research Integrity.

Fall 2020

  • Kaitlyn Boykin successfully proposed her thesis

  • Publication: Sacco, D., Holifield, K., Drea, K., Brown, M., & Macchione, A. L. (2020). Dad and mom bods? Inferences of parenting ability from bodily cues. Evolutionary Psychological Science.

  • Alicia Macchione, Kelsey Drea, and Mary Medlin, graduate students in the lab, were each awarded a research award ($100) from USM's Brain & Behavior Psychology Student Government (BBPSG). The awards will be used to help support their individual research endeavors. Congratulations!

Spring 2020

  • Kaitlyn Boykin was accepted into the ESPL as a Graduate Student! Welcome!

  • Kaitlyn Boykin graduated with her B.S. in Psychology where she was awarded an Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. She will be continuing in the lab as a graduate student researching parental perceptions. Congrats Kaitlyn!

  • Kelsey Drea successfully proposed her master’s Thesis, "Mitigating Negative Perceptions Due to Gender Norm Violation Through Adherence to Another Prevalent Gender Norm".

  • Alicia Macchione successfully proposed her master’s Thesis, "Comparing the Efficacy of Two Affirmation Interventions to Reduce Stereotype Threat Effects on Women’s Math Performance". 

  • Mary Medlin successfully proposed her Dissertation, "Reconciling Religious and Scientific Epistemologies: Leveraging Mutuality to Enhance Acceptance of Science and Respect for Religion". 

  • Invited Book Chapter: Brown, M., Sacco, D. F., Holifield, K., Drea, K., & Macchione, A. L. (in press). Inferences of parental ability through facial and bodily features. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.). Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Parenting. Oxford University Press

Fall 2019

  • Kaitlyn Boykin was awarded the Eagle SPUR award ($1000) for her project titled “Perceived Parental Ability from Bodily and Facial Cues

  • Jesse McClary was awarded the Eagle SPUR award ($1000 ) for her project titled “Down is Up: Language Priming as a Means of Increasing Search Engine Result Utilization

  • Kelsey Drea & Alicia Macchione were selected as Fundraising Co-Chairs in the Brain and Behavior Psychology Student Government (BBPSG)

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